Switch lowering in GCC



We have seen in a previous post that switch statements are more complex than they seem. The compiler is able to implement them as a decision tree (even though maybe it shouldn't). Is that everything it can do?

In this post, I'll focus on gcc. All optimizations, except the bitset lowering, translate to clang. I'll be using the -O3 optimization flag unless indicated otherwise.

I've also slightly edited gcc code and removed certain assertions for brevity.


Let us start with a simple example. A function that takes two integers x and val. Depending on the value of x, it calls a corresponding function (f0, f1, and so forth) with val as an argument and returns the result. Were we to implement this manually, we'd would use an array of function pointers, where the input serves as the index into the array.

int f0(int val);
int f1(int val);
int f2(int val);
int f3(int val);
int f4(int val);

int compact(int x, int val) {
    switch (x) {
        case 0:
            return f0(val);
        case 1:
            return f1(val);
        case 2:
            return f2(val);
        case 3:
            return f3(val);
        case 4:
            return f4(val);
            return 0;
    return 0;
	mov	eax, edi
	mov	edi, esi
	cmp	eax, 4
	ja	.L2
	jmp	[QWORD PTR .L4[0+rax*8]]
	.quad	.L8
	.quad	.L7
	.quad	.L6
	.quad	.L5
	.quad	.L3
	jmp	f3
	jmp	f4
	jmp	f0
	jmp	f1
	jmp	f2
	xor	eax, eax

The compiler agrees with this approach, and transforms the switch statement into a jump table.

Moreover, it is able to identify when the values are offset by a constant:

int f0(int val);
int f1(int val);
int f2(int val);
int f3(int val);
int f4(int val);

int compact(int x, int val) {
    switch (x) {
        case 97:
            return f0(val);
        case 98:
            return f1(val);
        case 99:
            return f2(val);
        case 100:
            return f3(val);
        case 101:
            return f4(val);
            return 0;
    return 0;
	lea	eax, [rdi-97]
	cmp	eax, 4
	ja	.L2
	mov	edi, esi
	jmp	[QWORD PTR .L4[0+rax*8]]
	.quad	.L8
	.quad	.L7
	.quad	.L6
	.quad	.L5
	.quad	.L3
	jmp	f3
	jmp	f4
	jmp	f0
	jmp	f1
	jmp	f2
	xor	eax, eax

Our intuition suggests that the more sparse the values, the less advantageous the jump table conversion is.

Through experimentation, we find that gcc considers the threshold to be around eight jump table entries per case label.

In other words, the following function compiles to a jump table:

int f0(int val);
int f1(int val);
int f2(int val);
int f3(int val);
int f4(int val);

int compact_7(int x, int val) {
    switch (x) {
        case 0:
            return f0(val);
        case 7:
            return f1(val);
        case 14:
            return f2(val);
        case 21:
            return f3(val);
        case 34:
            return f4(val);
            return 0;
    return 0;
	mov	eax, edi
	mov	edi, esi
	cmp	eax, 34
	ja	.L2
	jmp	[QWORD PTR .L4[0+rax*8]]
	.quad	.L8
	.quad	.L2
	; ...
	.quad	.L2
	.quad	.L7
	.quad	.L2
	; ...
	.quad	.L2
	.quad	.L6
	.quad	.L2
	; ...
	.quad	.L2
	.quad	.L5
	.quad	.L2
	; ...
	.quad	.L2
	.quad	.L3
	xor	eax, eax
	jmp	f0
	jmp	f1
	jmp	f2
	jmp	f3
	jmp	f4

But this other function is expanded as a tree of comparisons:

int f0(int val);
int f1(int val);
int f2(int val);
int f3(int val);
int f4(int val);

int sparse_8(int x, int val) {
    switch (x) {
        case 0:
            return f0(val);
        case 8:
            return f1(val);
        case 16:
            return f2(val);
        case 24:
            return f3(val);
        case 40:
            return f4(val);
            return 0;
    return 0;
	mov	eax, edi
	mov	edi, esi
	cmp	eax, 16
	je	.L2
	jle	.L10
	cmp	eax, 24
	je	.L7
	cmp	eax, 40
	jne	.L1
	jmp	f4
	test	eax, eax
	je	.L4
	cmp	eax, 8
	jne	.L1
	jmp	f1
	xor	eax, eax
	jmp	f0
	jmp	f3
	jmp	f2

Here's the comparison tree visualized for clarity:

G ret 0 ret 0 call f0 call f0 call f1 call f1 call f2 call f2 cmp eax, 24 cmp eax, 24 call f3 call f3 call f4 call f4 cmp eax, 16 cmp eax, 16 cmp eax, 16->call f2 je test eax, eax test eax, eax cmp eax, 16->test eax, eax jle cmp eax, 16->cmp eax, 24 test eax, eax->call f0 je cmp eax, 8 cmp eax, 8 test eax, eax->cmp eax, 8 cmp eax, 24->call f3 je cmp eax, 40 cmp eax, 40 cmp eax, 24->cmp eax, 40 cmp eax, 40->ret 0 jne cmp eax, 40->call f4 cmp eax, 8->ret 0 jne cmp eax, 8->call f1

A couple of observations:

  1. We've only tried equally spaced values so far. Can the compiler identify transformations that are profitable on a subset of all cases?
  2. So far each case led to a different result. What if we had different cases with the same result?
  3. The switch in sparse_8 could be simplified by dividing x by eight before the jump. Interestingly, gcc doesn't find this simplification.

Let's dig into 1. and 2.


Altering our first example by including an outlier value shows that the compiler is able to recognize dense subsets of cases.

int f0(int val);
int f1(int val);
int f2(int val);
int f3(int val);
int f4(int val);
int f5(int val);

int outlier(int x, int val) {
    switch (x) {
        case 1:
            return f0(val);
        case 2:
            return f1(val);
        case 3:
            return f2(val);
        case 4:
            return f3(val);
        case 5:
            return f4(val);
        case 100:
            return f5(val);
            return 0;
    return 0;
	mov	eax, edi
	mov	edi, esi
	cmp	eax, 5
	jg	.L2
	test	eax, eax
	jle	.L1
	cmp	eax, 5
	ja	.L4
	jmp	[QWORD PTR .L6[0+rax*8]]
	.quad	.L4
	.quad	.L4
	.quad	.L9
	.quad	.L8
	.quad	.L7
	.quad	.L5
	cmp	eax, 100
	jne	.L1
	jmp	f5
	jmp	f3
	jmp	f4
	jmp	f1
	jmp	f2
	jmp	f0
	xor	eax, eax

The compiler emits a branch for case 100, but emits a jump table for case 1 through 5.


In our examples so far, each case statement lead to a different code block. Let's test what happens when multiple case labels invoke the same function.

int f1(int val);
int f2(int val);
int f3(int val);
int f4(int val);
int f5(int val);

int blocks_2(int x, int val) {
    switch (x) {
        case 0:  case 1:  case 2:  case 3:
            return f1(val);
        case 21:  ...  case 24:
            return f2(val);
        case 42:  ...  case 45:
            return f3(val);
        case 63:  ...  case 66:
            return f4(val);
        case 84:  ...  case 87:
            return f5(val);
            return 0;
    return 0;
	mov	eax, edi
	mov	edi, esi
	cmp	eax, 45
	jg	.L2
	cmp	eax, 41
	jg	.L3
	cmp	eax, 3
	jg	.L4
	test	eax, eax
	js	.L1
	jmp	f1
	cmp	eax, 66
	jg	.L8
	cmp	eax, 62
	jle	.L1
	jmp	f4
	sub	eax, 21
	cmp	eax, 3
	ja	.L1
	jmp	f2
	sub	eax, 84
	cmp	eax, 3
	ja	.L1
	jmp	f5
	jmp	f3
	xor	eax, eax

We have 20 case labels, with values between 0 and 87. The compiler could lower this switch to a jump table with 88 entries. Our hypothesis for the heuristic is that a jump table conversion is profitable when its size is smaller than 8 * num_case_labels. Since 88 < 20 * 8, the conversion should be profitable in this case, however gcc opted to lower the switch to a sequence of comparisons.

To better understand why, let's examine a specific block of case labels.

int blocks_2(int x, int val) {
    switch (x) {
        // ...
        case 42:  case 43:  case 44:  
        case 45:
            return f3(val);
        // ...
    return 0;
	mov	eax, edi ; Move `val` to $eax
	mov	edi, esi
	cmp	eax, 45
	; If val <= 45, do _not_ jump
	jg	.L2
	cmp	eax, 41
	; If val >= 42, jump to L3
	jg	.L3
	; ...
; ...
        ; We reach L3 only if 42 <= val <= 45
        jmp	f3        ; Call f3(val)
; ...

The compiler realizes that the cases are contiguous and can be implemented with two comparisons instead of four. If the input of the jump table heuristic is the number of comparisons instead of case labels, things work out:

We have a total of 10 comparisons. Since 10 * 8 < 88, our revised heuristic suggests that a jump table transformation is unprofitable.


Let us try a non-contiguous case.

int f1(int val);

int bittest(int x, int val) {
    switch (x) {
        case '0':  case '2':  case '4':  
        case '5':  case '7':  case '9':  
        case 'A':  case 'C':  case 'E':
            return f1(x);
            return 0;
    return 0;
	lea	eax, [rdi-48]
	cmp	eax, 21
	ja	.L1
	mov	edx, 2753205  ; ???
	bt	rdx, rax
	jc	.L7
	xor	eax, eax
	jmp	f1

The compiler emits non-intuitive machine code. Why is there no cmp nor jump tables? Where does the constant 2753205 come from?

An hint comes from the instruction bt. According to the Intel docs, bt:

Selects the bit in a bit string (specified with the first operand, called the bit base) at the bit-position designated by the bit offset (specified by the second operand) and stores the value of the bit in the CF flag.

If we examine the binary representation of 2753205, we find that it is in fact a bitset. The bits that are set to one correspond to the ASCII values of the case labels, each value being reduced by 48.

Simd ops chars 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G Cases ... edx 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 mov edx, 2753205 edx:p0--chars:p0 edx:p2--chars:p2 edx:p4--chars:p4 edx:p5--chars:p5 edx:p7--chars:p7 edx:p9--chars:p9 edx:p17--chars:p17 edx:p19--chars:p19 edx:p21--chars:p21


We've encountered several distinct lowering strategies employed by gcc. For a more in-depth understanding, we can delve into the compiler's source code.

The compiler pass that responsible for lowering switch statements is the (appropriately named) pass_lower_switch, which in turn calls analyze_switch_statement.

Since gcc source can be daunting to follow, I'll provide a step-by-step commented version below. Following this, I will break down each section to explain its functionality.

bool switch_decision_tree::analyze_switch_statement () 
    unsigned l = gimple_switch_num_labels (m_switch);
    auto_vec<cluster *> clusters;
    // ...

    compute_cases_per_edge ();

Some preamble code. m_switch points to a gimple object. Gimple is the internal representation used by gcc. Through this, we extract the overall count of cases and the individual counts of cases for each outgoing edge.

We also allocate a vector that will record the lowering strategy chosen for each case label.

    for (unsigned i = 1; i < l; i++)
        tree elt = gimple_switch_label (m_switch, i);
	// ...
        tree low = CASE_LOW (elt);
        tree high = CASE_HIGH (elt);

        profile_probability p
            = case_edge->probability.apply_scale (1, (intptr_t) (case_edge->aux));
        clusters.quick_push (new simple_cluster (low, high, elt, case_edge->dest, p));
        // ...

More setup code. We notice that gimple has a concept of high and low value for each label. That is, contiguous case labels have already joined together at this stage.

For each case label, we allocate a simple_cluster. This cluster serves as a record, capturing the range of values associated with the label, the relevant output edge, and the likelihood of this cluster being chosen. This probability comes from profile-guided optimization. By default it is uniform among case labels.

    // ...
    vec<cluster *> output = bit_test_cluster::find_bit_tests (clusters);

We transform the vector of clusters we have created. The name bit_test_cluster hints to the bitset lowering strategy we saw before.

    /* Find jump table clusters.  */
    vec<cluster *> output2;
    auto_vec<cluster *> tmp;
    // ...
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < output.length (); i++) {
        cluster *c = output[i];
        if (c->get_type () != SIMPLE_CASE) {
            if (!tmp.is_empty ()) {
                // ... See below for what's here
                tmp.truncate (0);
            output2.safe_push (c); 
            tmp.safe_push (c);

This section allocates a vector for the transformed cases and a scratch vector. Any case that wasn't altered during the bitset transformation process is gathered in this scratch vector. These cases are then processed and cleared whenever we come across an optimized cluster.

Essentially, in this section we are looking for sequences of case labels that couldn't be converted into bitset clusters.

                vec<cluster *> n = jump_table_cluster::find_jump_tables (tmp);
                output2.safe_splice (n);
                n.release ();

We attempt to convert these consecutive labels into a jump table and add the outcome to the output.

    /* We still can have a temporary vector to test.  */
    if (!tmp.is_empty ()) {
        vec<cluster *> n = jump_table_cluster::find_jump_tables (tmp);
        output2.safe_splice (n);
        n.release ();

This is a coda for the loop above.

    // ...

    bool expanded = try_switch_expansion (output2);
    return expanded;

Whatever is left goes through another pass, which turns the switch statement into a decision tree. The bitsets and jump table are leaves of the decision tree.


Let's dig further into bit_test_cluster::find_bit_tests. The high level structure of the code is as follow.

Initially, we aim to find the optimal method to bundle all clusters into bitsets. Optimality, in this context, refers to minimizing the number of bitsets used. We do so using dynamic programming.

Subsequently, we iterate over the bitsets and apply a profitability heuristic. If the bitsets meet this heuristic, we emit a bit_test_cluster; otherwise, we keep the original simple_clusters.

vec<cluster *> bit_test_cluster::find_bit_tests (vec<cluster *> &clusters)
    // ...

    unsigned l = clusters.length ();
    auto_vec<min_cluster_item> min;
    // ...

    min.quick_push (min_cluster_item (0, 0, 0));
    for (unsigned i = 1; i <= l; i++)
        /* Set minimal # of clusters with i-th item to infinite.  */
        min.quick_push (min_cluster_item (INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX));

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < i; j++)
            if (min[j].m_count + 1 < min[i].m_count
                    && can_be_handled (clusters, j, i - 1))
                min[i] = min_cluster_item (min[j].m_count + 1, j, INT_MAX);

        gcc_checking_assert (min[i].m_count != INT_MAX);

For the dynamic programming, we'll use a vector of min_cluster_item structures. Each min_cluster_item has three components:

The dynamic programming is as follows. We want to find the minimum number of bitsets to represent the first i case labels.

The base case is straightforward, a single case label can be represented by a single bitset.

Suppose we have already have found the optimal number of bitsets for the first j case label, for all . We define to be the optimal number of splits for the first i elements. This means we already computed , and are now seeking .

If the range of case labels can be represented as a bitset cluster, it must be true that

Conversely, assume we have the optimal assignment for the first i labels. If the last bitset starts at label , this assignment is also optimal when restricted to . Were this not the case, we could improve the assignment on as well.

Therefore, it must be that:

These conditions are exactly what the if statement in the code above checks for.

The can_be_handled function controls whether a range of case labels can be turned into a bitset test. It tests two criteria:

If there is more than one edge, we emit a cascade of bit tests.

    vec<cluster *> output;
    // ...
    /* Find and build the clusters.  */
    for (unsigned end = l;;)
        int start = min[end].m_start;

        if (is_beneficial (clusters, start, end - 1))
            bool entire = start == 0 && end == clusters.length ();
            output.safe_push (new bit_test_cluster (clusters, start, end - 1, entire));
            for (int i = end - 1; i >= start; i--)
                output.safe_push (clusters[i]);

        end = start;

        if (start <= 0)

    output.reverse ();
    return output;

Now we convert only bitsets that satisfy the is_beneficial test. In the code count represents the number of case labels handled by the cluster, while uniq denotes the number of distinct outgoing edges.

bool bit_test_cluster::is_beneficial (unsigned count, unsigned uniq)
    return (((uniq == 1 && count >= 3)
              || (uniq == 2 && count >= 5)
              || (uniq == 3 && count >= 6)));

Jump tables

The logic for jump table conversion mirrors the one used for bit test conversion. It leverages dynamic programming to identify "clusters" that can be profitably converted to a jump table.

Let's delve into the code.

vec<cluster *> jump_table_cluster::find_jump_tables (vec<cluster *> &clusters)
    if (!is_enabled ())
        return clusters.copy ();

    unsigned l = clusters.length ();
    auto_vec<min_cluster_item> min;
    min.reserve (l + 1);

We start by preallocating a vector of min_cluster_item. We'll use this vector to keep track of the best jump table assignments for consecutive case clusters.

    min.quick_push (min_cluster_item (0, 0, 0));

We also push the base case for dynamic programming. This corresponds to using a single jump table for the whole switch.

Let's focus now on the main loop.

    unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT max_ratio = /* Used in the main heuristic. See next snippet. */;
    for (unsigned i = 1; i <= l; i++)
        // NOTE(xoranth): Base case
        min.quick_push (min_cluster_item (INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX));
        /* Pre-calculate number of comparisons for the clusters.  */
        HOST_WIDE_INT comparison_count = 0;
        for (unsigned k = 0; k <= i - 1; k++)
            simple_cluster *sc = static_cast<simple_cluster *> (clusters[k]);
            // NOTE(xoranth): get_comparison_count is 2 for contiguous case 
            // labels, and 1 otherwise
            comparison_count += sc->get_comparison_count ();

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < i; j++)
            unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT s = min[j].m_non_jt_cases;
            if (i - j < case_values_threshold ())
                s += i - j;
            /* Prefer clusters with smaller number of numbers covered.  */
            if (/* Check if new split is better. See next snippet */) 
                // NOTE(xoranth): Update best score.
                min[i] = min_cluster_item (min[j].m_count + 1, j,
					   s /* `s` is the number of unhandled cases */);

            simple_cluster *sc = static_cast<simple_cluster *> (clusters[j]);
            comparison_count -= sc->get_comparison_count ();

The dynamic programming loop mirrors the one we used for bitsets. We want to find the minimum number of jump tables to represent the first i case labels.

We iterate over splits at the j-th case label, for j < i. During each iteration we track the best scoring split. The special case j == 0 represents a single jump table for the entire switch statement.

Inside this inner loop we also keep track of:

  1. How many distinct jump tables we would need to lower the switch.
  2. The start of the last jump table of the decomposition.
  3. How many cases cannot be handled by a jump table. In the code, this is the accumulator s.

Point 1. and 2. are analogous to the bitset lowering pass, while 3. is new and specific to jump tables.

Namely, there is some overhead to dispatching to a jump table, due to the indirect jump and the need to check bounds. Therefore gcc requires a minimum amount of case labels to generate a jump table.

If a split would generate a jump table that is too small, the size of the jump table is added to an accumulator s, which is used as a tie-breaker between different split candidates.

To compute the scoring, we need the comparison count between j-th and the i-th case label. We compute it summing up the number of comparisons for all labels, and decreasing the count as we progress in the inner loop.

We also need the number of unhandled case labels. We determine it comparing the size of the jump table to the result of the case_values_threshold function. This function is architecture dependent and takes into account the presence of switch-case specific instructions, but on modern x64 and Arm64 machines, it defaults to 5.

unsigned int default_case_values_threshold (void) {
    return (targetm.have_casesi () ? 4 : 5);

Let's now focus on the main heuristic, starting with how max_ratio is computed. I've reproduced below the main loop, omitting lines unrelated to the main heuristic.

We've seen in the examples section that gcc uses the ratio between jump table entries and comparisons as a metric for the lowering the heuristic. The code below shows that distinct ratios are used when optimizing for speed (flags -O[123|fast]) or size (flag -Os). Specifically, a ratio of 8 is used when optimizing for speed, while a ratio of 2 is used when optimizing for size.

    unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT max_ratio
        = (optimize_insn_for_size_p ()
                ? param_jump_table_max_growth_ratio_for_size    // This is `2`
                : param_jump_table_max_growth_ratio_for_speed); // This is `8`

    for (unsigned i = 1; i <= l; i++)
        /* Set minimal # of clusters with i-th item to infinite.  */
        min.quick_push (min_cluster_item (INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX));

        // NOTE(xoranth): Compute comparison count, see previous snippet

        for (unsigned j = 0; j < i; j++)
            // NOTE(xoranth): Compute unhandled cases, see previous snippet
            /* Prefer clusters with smaller number of numbers covered.  */
            if ((min[j].m_count + 1 < min[i].m_count)
               || (min[j].m_count + 1 == min[i].m_count && s < min[i].m_non_jt_cases)
               && can_be_handled (clusters, j, i - 1, max_ratio, comparison_count)) 
                min[i] = min_cluster_item (min[j].m_count + 1, j,
					   s /* `s` is the number of unhandled cases */ );

            // NOTE(xoranth): Update comparison count, see previous snippet

Now onto the main loop. Given two splits, we prefer the one that results in fewer jump tables being emitted. Or, if they would result in the same number of jump tables, we prefer the one that handles the most case labels. We also ignore splits that would result in unprofitable jump tables, where profitability is checked by the can_be_handled function.

The can_be_handled condition, checks for overflow and compares the ratio of case labels to jump table entries:

bool jump_table_cluster::can_be_handled (const vec<cluster *> &clusters,
                                         unsigned start, unsigned end,
                                         unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT max_ratio,
                                         unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT comparison_count)
    /* If the switch is relatively small such that the cost of one
       indirect jump on the target are higher than the cost of a
       decision tree, go with the decision tree.


       For algorithm correctness, jump table for a single case must return
       true.  We bail out in is_beneficial if it's called just for
       a single case.  */
    if (start == end)
        return true;

    unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT range = get_range (clusters[start]->get_low (), clusters[end]->get_high ());
    /* Check for overflow.  */
    // ...

    return lhs <= max_ratio * comparison_count;

The coda of the function also mirrors the one for bitset clusters. It iterates over all jump tables in reverse order, and prunes the ones that fail the is_beneficial check.

    vec<cluster *> output;
    output.create (4);

    /* Find and build the clusters.  */
    for (unsigned int end = l;;)
        int start = min[end].m_start;

        /* Do not allow clusters with small number of cases.  */
        if (is_beneficial (clusters, start, end - 1))
            output.safe_push (new jump_table_cluster (clusters, start, end - 1));
            for (int i = end - 1; i >= start; i--)
                output.safe_push (clusters[i]);
        end = start;

        if (start <= 0) break;

    output.reverse ();
    return output;

The is_beneficial check for jump tables aims to prune small jump tables. It compares the number of case labels to case_values_threshold.

bool jump_table_cluster::is_beneficial (const vec<cluster *> &, unsigned start, unsigned end) {
    if (start == end) return false;
    return end - start + 1 >= case_values_threshold ();

Binary tree

If gcc cannot emit a bitset cluster or a jump table, it falls back to a binary tree of comparison.

In emitting the tree, it takes into account the probability of each case label cluster. The probability can be obtained via profile-guided optimization, or with the __builtin_expect_with_probability builtin.

The code is pretty straightforward.

void switch_decision_tree::balance_case_nodes (case_tree_node **head, case_tree_node *parent) 
    case_tree_node *np = *head;
    if (np) {
        int i = 0;
        case_tree_node **npp, *left;
        profile_probability prob = profile_probability::never ();

Sum probability of all case labels.

        /* Count the number of entries on branch.  Also count the ranges.  */
        while (np) {
            prob += np->m_c->m_prob;
            np = np->m_right;

Split the case label list such that both halves have equal probability.

        if (i > 2) {
            npp = head;
            left = *npp;
	    // NOTE(xoranth): this divides prob by 2.
            profile_probability pivot_prob = prob.apply_scale (1, 2);

            while (1) {
                /* Skip nodes while their probability does not reach that amount.  */
                prob -= (*npp)->m_c->m_prob;
                if ((prob.initialized_p () && prob < pivot_prob) || ! (*npp)->m_right)
                npp = &(*npp)->m_right;

            np = *npp;
            *npp = 0;
            *head = np;
            np->m_parent = parent;
            np->m_left = left == np ? NULL : left;

Recurse in both halves to build the binary tree.

            balance_case_nodes (&np->m_left, np);
            balance_case_nodes (&np->m_right, np);
            np->m_c->m_subtree_prob = np->m_c->m_prob;
            if (np->m_left)
                np->m_c->m_subtree_prob += np->m_left->m_c->m_subtree_prob;
            if (np->m_right)
                np->m_c->m_subtree_prob += np->m_right->m_c->m_subtree_prob;
        } else {
	    // [...] Base case


We've seen the heuristics and lowering strategies gcc employs when compiling switch statements, including:

For anyone interested in delving deeper, I'd suggest examining the gcc source code, and reading this paper.

Finally, I want to thank B.X.V., C.P., and V.P. for their feedback when writing this post